Abuja Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC) Payment API Integration

This section contains the recommended flow for integrating Abuja Electric Bills Payment services on the VTpass RESTful API.

This API allows payment to both prepaid and postpaid AEDC meters.

The VTpass AEDC payment API allows you to vend token for AEDC Prepaid meters and also pay electricity bills for AEDC Postpaid meters using the meter number / Account ID.

For Prepaid meters, a token is generated. This token will be loaded on the customer’s meter by the customer.

Please display token to customer after a successful transaction, also send token by email and SMS to customer.

Abuja Electric covers the following areas  Federal Capital Territory (Abuja), Kogi State, Niger State, Nassarawa State.



Learn about authentication from here.


Available Endpoints

To integrate the VTpass Abuja Electricity (AEDC) Bills Payment RESTful API, the endpoints below applies:

  • Verify Meter Number
  • Purchase Product (prepaid and postpaid payments available)
  • Query transaction status

Always ensure you validate the customer’s meter number.

ServiceID: abuja-electric



Using a POST method, you can verify a meter number with the following endpoint:

Live: https://vtpass.com/api/merchant-verify

Sandbox: https://sandbox.vtpass.com/api/merchant-verify


On Sandbox, please use the following meter numbers (sandbox) to test:

For prepaid: 1111111111111

For Postpaid: 1010101010101


To simulate a failed meter number validation, please use any number apart from the one provided above as meter number.


billersCode M Number The meter number you wish to make the bills payment on.

On Sandbox
 For prepaid: 1111111111111

For Postpaid: 1010101010101

serviceID M String Service ID as specified by VTpass. In this case, it is abuja-electric
type M String This is basically the type of meter you are trying to validate. It can be either prepaid or postpaid




    "code": "000",
    "content": {
        "Customer_Name": "TESTMETER1",
        "Meter_Number": "1111111111111",
        "Business_Unit": "",
        "Address": "ABULE - EGBA BU ABULE",
        "Customer_Arrears": ""



You can make a purchase for either a prepaid or postpaid meter.

Prepaid Meter Payment

Using a POST method, prepaid Token can be vended for Abuja Electric prepaid meters with the endpoint below:

Live: https://vtpass.com/api/pay

Sandbox: https://sandbox.vtpass.com/api/pay

ServiceID: abuja-electric


On Sandbox, please use the following prepaid meter number to test:

For prepaid: 1111111111111


To simulate a failed prepaid meter purchase, please use any number apart from the one provided above as meter number.


request_id M String This is a unique reference with which you can use to identify and query the status of a given transaction after the transaction has been executed.
Click here to understand how to generate a valid request ID


serviceID M String Service ID as specified by VTpass. In this case, it is abuja-electric
billersCode M String The meter number you wish to make the bills payment on
variation_code M String This is the meter type. In this case prepaid
amount M Number The amount (Naira) of electricity you want to purchase.
phone M Number The phone number of the customer or recipient of this service



         "type":"Electricity Bill",
         "created_at":"2019-08-17 02:27:26",
         "product_name":"Abuja Electric Payment - EKEDC"
   "response_description":"TRANSACTION SUCCESSFUL",
      "date":"2019-08-17 02:27:27.000000",
   "purchased_code":"Token : 42167939781206619049 Bonus Token : 62881559799402440206",
   "mainTokenDescription":"Normal Sale",
   "bonusTokenDescription":"FBE Token",


Postpaid Meter Payment

Using a POST method, electricity bills can be paid for Abuja Electric postpaid meters with the endpoint below:

Live: https://vtpass.com/api/pay

Sandbox: https://sandbox.vtpass.com/api/pay

ServiceID: abuja-electric


On Sandbox, please use the following meter number to test:

For postpaid: 1010101010101


To simulate a failed postpaid meter payment, please use any number apart from the one provided above as meter number.


request_id M String This is the reference with which you can use to query the status of a given transaction after the transaction has been executed.
Click here to understand how to generate a valid request ID
serviceID M String Service ID as specified by VTpass. In this case, it is abuja-electric
billersCode M String The meter number you wish to make the bills payment on
variation_code M String This is the meter type. In this case postpaid


amount M Number The amount (Naira) of electricity you want to purchase
phone M Number The phone number of the customer or recipient of this service



    "code": "000",
    "content": {
        "transactions": {
            "amount": 1000,
            "convinience_fee": 0,
            "status": "delivered",
            "name": null,
            "phone": "07061933309",
            "email": "sandbox@vtpass.com",
            "type": "Electricity Bill",
            "created_at": "2019-08-17 02:56:18",
            "discount": null,
            "giftcard_id": null,
            "total_amount": 985,
            "commission": 15,
            "channel": "api",
            "platform": "api",
            "service_verification": null,
            "quantity": 1,
            "unit_price": 1000,
            "unique_element": "1111111111111",
            "product_name": "Abuja Electric Payment - PHCN"
    "response_description": "TRANSACTION SUCCESSFUL",
    "requestId": "hg3hgh3gdiud4w2wb33w",
    "amount": "1000.00",
    "transaction_date": {
        "date": "2019-08-17 02:56:19.000000",
        "timezone_type": 3,
        "timezone": "Africa/Lagos"
    "purchased_code": "",
    "utilityName": "Eskom",
    "exchangeReference": "7730319170597264",
    "balance": null



Using a POST method, transaction status can be queried with the endpoint below:

LIVE: https://vtpass.com/api/requery

Sandbox: https://sandbox.vtpass.com/api/requery

request_id M String This is the reference with which you sent when purchasing a transaction after the transaction has been executed.



For Successful Prepaid Meter Payment

    "code": "000",
    "content": {
        "transactions": {
            "status": "delivered",
            "product_name": "Abuja Electric Payment - PHCN",
            "unique_element": "1111111111111",
            "unit_price": 1000,
            "quantity": 1,
            "service_verification": null,
            "channel": "api",
            "commission": 15,
            "total_amount": 985,
            "discount": null,
            "type": "Electricity Bill",
            "email": "sandbox@vtpass.com",
            "phone": "07061933309",
            "name": null,
            "convinience_fee": 0,
            "amount": 1000,
            "platform": "api",
            "method": "api",
            "transactionId": "1586356198768"
    "response_description": "TRANSACTION SUCCESSFUL",
    "requestId": "3476iiwiwjjjajahhhaasa768whjjdhsjjehdddsh",
    "amount": "1000.00",
    "transaction_date": {
        "date": "2020-04-08 15:29:58.000000",
        "timezone_type": 3,
        "timezone": "Africa/Lagos"
    "purchased_code": "Token : 40364652026905256691",
    "token": "40364652026905256691",
    "exchangeReference": "4780534156977207",
    "resetToken": null,
    "units": "500 kWh",
    "fixChargeAmount": null,
    "tariff": "StubTariff",
    "taxAmount": null

For Successful Postpaid Meter Payment

    "code": "000",
    "content": {
        "transactions": {
            "status": "delivered",
            "product_name": "Abuja Electric Payment - PHCN",
            "unique_element": "1010101010101",
            "unit_price": 1000,
            "quantity": 1,
            "service_verification": null,
            "channel": "api",
            "commission": 15,
            "total_amount": 985,
            "discount": null,
            "type": "Electricity Bill",
            "email": "sandbox@vtpass.com",
            "phone": "07061933309",
            "name": null,
            "convinience_fee": 0,
            "amount": 1000,
            "platform": "api",
            "method": "api",
            "transactionId": "1586356198768"
    "response_description": "TRANSACTION SUCCESSFUL",
    "requestId": "3476iiwiwjjjajahhhaasa768whjjdhsjjehdddsh",
    "amount": "1000.00",
    "transaction_date": {
        "date": "2020-04-08 15:29:58.000000",
        "timezone_type": 3,
        "timezone": "Africa/Lagos"
    "purchased_code": "Token : 40364652026905256691",
    "token": "40364652026905256691",
    "exchangeReference": "4780534156977207",
    "resetToken": null,
    "units": "500 kWh",
    "fixChargeAmount": null,
    "tariff": "StubTariff",
    "taxAmount": null

You can check out the complete list of RESPONSE CODES HERE.